The Road Less Traveled
It's a hell of a thing, neglecting a weblog. It's also a hell of a thing leaving up a final post entitled Weiner Delight for a fortnight or so, but I suppose that's neither here nor there. The there, as it were, is my habituation to breaking and entering on this site, when I am roused to shame Key Monroe into posting.
I understand from the nomenclatura that she is busy, like a bee, completing her broker's course. Unlike the bee, however, I don't believe pollenation is involved. Or be it? I, for one, would love to be able to flit from social circumstance to social circumstance, my only legacy the sporage, the fecund inseminatuation I would achieve by dragging my legs all over every thing in sight, impregnating it. That is lazy sex, I tell ya. Leave it to the insects.
Velociman out, destroying friendships one post at a time. It's what I do.
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If that won't bring her out, nothing will!!!
posted by
Lisa W. on January 21, 2007 10:17 PM
If a certified Velociman post - replete, as they will be, with fitty-cent words and sexual imagery of the basest kind - does not flush out Miss Key from her hidey-hole (heh. He said "hole"), then nothing will.
posted by
Elisson on January 22, 2007 09:09 AM
geez. i've been looking for a fitting end for my own blodge. vman, can i send you a password?
posted by
shoe on January 22, 2007 04:45 PM
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Chewy-Do Delight
This is Priss's baby, my first grandbaby with her new weiner chewy-do, which she found in her stocking Christmas morning.

That is all. Just being a proud Granma-ma, showing off a pic. I know. Not in focus, but an honest depiction. She doesn't hold still, and is not much more than an orange fur-blur to us either, so best I could do.
That said...isn't she adorable?
(So what if my favorite area rug smells like pee-pee...)
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I long ago figured out that you can either have nice stuff OR pets. You can't have both.
I chose the pets and I'm happier for it! My favorite velvet chair doesn't lick my face or act crazy-ass-happy to see me when I come home in the evening.
Your grandbaby is ADORABLE!
posted by
De on January 4, 2007 01:32 PM
How cute; does he look like mom or dad?? *L*
posted by
Michele on January 4, 2007 09:05 PM
I am owed an apology for being sucked into a blogpost entitled Weiner Delight. I was expecting something, well, different. Way fucking different.
You can ban me now.
posted by
Velociman on January 4, 2007 10:06 PM
Poochie is absolutely adorable!
posted by
Lisa W. on January 5, 2007 12:00 PM
It's a little scary to admit that I was thinking along the same line as Vman.
I'm so screwed if I'm starting to think like him.
posted by
Light & Dark on January 6, 2007 01:26 AM
I saw that post title and immediately thought "Break left!" Meanwhile, Vman saw the title and got excited. Figures.
posted by
zonker on January 6, 2007 02:23 AM
My boy Stretch will teach her the true meaning of "Weiner Delight". Bring her on over...
posted by
Yabu on January 6, 2007 12:49 PM
.. I'd keep her away from Stretch, if I were you....
posted by
Eric on January 7, 2007 03:03 PM
Me too, Stretch is hung very well for a small dog.
posted by
Catfish on January 9, 2007 04:30 PM
Hell, rumor has it Catfish is hung for a very small dog.
posted by
Velociman on January 10, 2007 10:56 PM
Funny he doesn't look like weiner dog but he is really a cutie.
posted by
Libby on January 13, 2007 12:08 AM
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