Ugga's My Man!
This was taken in my office, my desk in the background, the world's finest paper-weight front and center...

But you know what's really odd about this cute little fella?
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He's anatomically correct:

(Well, almost; personally, I think Ugga has bigger balls.)
Disclaimer: I have been informed that Ugga is properly spelled "UGA VI." To which I replied, "Duly noted, Smahtasshh..." (I just hate it that not everyone can be as phonetically pleasing as I.)
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disturbing, i don't think i've ever seen an anatomically correct mascot trinket. the longhorn would be beyond disgusting, no? only in georgia.
posted by
shoe on January 27, 2006 07:16 PM
Oh hell, this one's right down my alley. Not literaly, well maybe kinda literaly. I got two boxers. I know they ain't bulldogs, but they got some bulldog in 'em. From what I see, they might have some longhorn in 'em too...
Why's it disturbin' Choue? Even GI Joe had the Ku-Fu Grip...
posted by
RedNeck on January 27, 2006 07:49 PM
Why isn't "phonetically" spelled foneticaly? Just curious.
posted by
Velociman on January 27, 2006 09:44 PM
That's a good question Vman. Now, riddle me this... What do people in China call their good plates?
posted by
RedNeck on January 29, 2006 10:27 AM
Polcerain, Neck. They call it polcerain.
posted by
Velociman on January 29, 2006 07:58 PM
Good thing Ohio State's mascot is only a nut!
posted by
Michele on January 30, 2006 11:38 AM
That reminds me of the time I almost gelded the citadel bulldog. They've got a bronze bulldog on thier quad. I was pretty sure that I could get a pair of bolt-cutters around those things and take them back to the CoC campus.
But I was too drunk to find the bolt-cutters.
posted by
LamontCranston on February 2, 2006 03:20 PM
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posted by Key on
12:31 PM
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Gut Rumbles links with:
Almost Home...

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That is around the corner from Wrens GA.
posted by
Catfish on January 17, 2006 12:53 PM
When you reach the sign that says Velociville you'll know you are, indeed, home.
posted by
Velociman on January 17, 2006 10:25 PM
Is that Suburban Blythe?
posted by
zonker on January 17, 2006 11:39 PM
I thought I was on my way to blog-heaven! Seeing the light, so to speak...
posted by
Key on January 18, 2006 05:03 PM
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One For Da Blogfadda
Miss Priss's cat on Miss Priss's bed...

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Yeah. Pumpman will really think that's cute.
posted by
Denny on January 17, 2006 10:15 PM
epmklvpyksmnbkxupcaqlhilmpbkghu link
posted by
qwmeg on January 24, 2006 07:07 AM
Awwwww. Sweet.
posted by
Ruth on January 26, 2006 07:33 AM
oueywh ihqfii
posted by
Salamon on March 3, 2006 03:16 AM
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Sit Yo Ass Down
The idea of a man sitting to pee is starting to grow on me.
I'm betting that that set-up lessens, if not eliminates, the crusty pube in gelatinous urine prob, which halos most porcelain thrones frequented by those thoughtless brutes who prefer to stand.
The lid remaining down all through the night? Well, that's just gravy.
Regarding the sample epitaph - brilliant. Glad I thought of it. Anyone else like to submit a sample epitaph? Winner gets a spot on the virtual stone when this here blog lands itself a place to rest in da Velocinecropolis.
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Actually I'm known to squirt between the lid and the bowl between 2 and 5 am. So your halo would remain intact in the Hovel.
posted by
Velociman on January 16, 2006 11:06 PM
We mourn the passing of “Key Issues.”
Weeping bloggers grab their tissues.
The archives, index page, and posts
Are gone now, all reduced to ghosts.
No more, the witty epigraph.
Instead, I leave this epitaph:
“The lovely Key I met in Helen?
Her blog’s defunct, commenced to smellin’.
Will it rise, Phoenix-like? We’ll see.
(Does V-man really sit to pee?)”
posted by
Elisson on January 17, 2006 09:47 AM
Excellent Elisson. You have the job. It pays 2 cents per epitaph, and you just got mine. ;)
posted by
Key on January 18, 2006 05:01 PM
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Merry Christmas! Happy Groundhog Day!
...and everything in between!
Okay, so I've missed a few things while I was on vacation in St. Moritz.
Or I could have been cleaning out closets, nursing a mono-stricken child, and playing Santa.
No, no... It was definitely the former; I like that one better.
I have a blogroll to go through, but I won't have the time tonight or tomorrow, so would you all be so kind as to highlight for me what I've missed over the past month+?
Here's what I've already gathered:
Blogworld Santa is HOT!
The Grinch has me on the roll next to a kitten killer. (No worries; the Grinch's contrite heart should be growing to three times its normal size any minute now.)
I think my girlfriend may have cheated on me with her husband. (Congratulations, honey; Vegas Blogmeet '07! That's right, you saw it here first!)
I meant to send a penguin card to da SW couple. I have one even... But instead, I got one from them, da honies. And speaking of, I also received a card featuring two beautiful children, from the sweetheart of blogworld, one of many whom I have missed terribly while in solitary.
I neglected to send Rudolph the Red-Nosed Douchebag to Her Purginess, but I haven't forgotten. Hey, you're gettin' douched, Princess, just as soon as I craft the antlers!
Phin's New Year's Resolution is to consult the great Velocigodhippie before making decisions of import, and it's all wrapped up in wholesome sacrilege.
And - did I read this right?! - Sammy Baby, are you giving up French kissing? Brutal.
Personally, I resolve to take vitamins and floss almost every day.
Okay, so that's where I'm at. What else have I missed?
Update: I can't believe that I missed THIS! Thanks for the email, Neck, and the offer to contribute. Tammi... I feel your pain, hon.
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She lives!!
First Kelley, now YOU!!
Awesome week!
Don't tell me you're pregnant, too, though!!
; P
Thank you for your Christmas card, too! Your daughter is beautiful.
Merry New Year and Happy Groundhog Day to you, too!
posted by
Chrissy on January 4, 2006 07:33 PM
When is Hedgehog Day? I'm told that is a special occasion.
posted by
Velociman on January 4, 2006 11:12 PM
According to this page, Hedgehog Day is March 12...
Ron Jeremy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glad I could help! ;-)
posted by
zonker on January 4, 2006 11:46 PM
Hey! Being next to bloodsport with cats is a place of honor on my blogroll!
posted by
Acidman on January 5, 2006 02:43 AM
No, no, not, hush-yo-mouth, pregnant! Ack. I am fixed, pregnant-free going on ten years now!
posted by
Key on January 5, 2006 01:06 PM
Thank Gawd! We all thought you wuz daid!
Or even worse...a prisoner in the Velocihovel, where the sounds made by Cymbal-Clashing Monkeys keep you awake 24/7...
posted by
Elisson on January 5, 2006 08:48 PM
Yeah!! She's back!! We missed ya darlin'.
Oh, and are you free on Saturday? I've got this blog that is gonna need some major cleanin'.
posted by
Tammi on January 6, 2006 12:48 AM
Glad to see you are back, ok and not pregnant. Hope to see some more of you soon.
posted by
Moogie on January 7, 2006 07:41 PM
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posted by Key on
06:39 PM
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