My Family Tree Produces Rotten Fruit
Specifically, my daughter and grandbaby. My daughter, the cheer brat. Her daughter, the yorki-poo-brat:

I know, she's cute. Adorable, even. And it's a @#$% good thing, because the furball has trashed my floor.

Of course I love her. The furball is my first grandbaby. Priss is having all kinds of fun labeling me "Grandmom."
Only...I don't like it. I know the real grandmotherly days are still years AND YEARS off, but I should go ahead and claim the nickname. I think I like Grams. (Yes, meaning if you add marshmallows and chocolate, I'm a yummy treat, but I wasn't going to go there...)
Now, I must go. I am shamefully addicted to American Idol.
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omg. did you come out of retirement to admit you watch american idol?
i was halfway expecting an elisson impression or vman signoff at the end. so you're just being honest? raw new concept. i think i'll try it.
posted by
shoe on February 22, 2007 12:41 PM
"I'm a yummy treat"? Pray let us explore this thought.
posted by
Velociman on February 23, 2007 10:59 PM
LOL. Don't knock the grammy thing until you've tried it. It rocks. I chose Grams too but I was thinking it made sense with my hippie past....
posted by
Libby on March 10, 2007 05:33 PM
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I'm Still In The Realm of the Psuedo-Living
Thank you for the texts, calls, hostile takeovers...
For the past several months I have been taking a hellish, online, seemingly neverending brokerage course. I finally finished it. [applause here.] I still have the state exam to contend with, but a huge burden is lifted just having the coursework over with.
See... I have personality afflictions.
I am a strategic planner. A brainstormer. A thinker, not a doer, not a yesman. A bum, really. A bum with good intentions.
All that to say this: I had this great idea over a year ago. I wasn't alone. It's a common blogthought. Many of us have decided that the best part of blogging is the meets, right, right? So I thought we should have a site dedicated to future meets, prior meets, blackmail pics, calendars, fun times, non? Prob: I am a bum with good intentions, remember?
Therefore, I have the following dusty url up for adoption:
Take it. It's yours. It's free. I humbly ask to be favorably linked, perhaps even given a spare set of keys. But clearly I cannot be in charge of site sustenance. This place is already on life support. Any site-builders out there?
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Holy crap! You're alive! I tagged you with a Christmas meme and you never did it, so you owe me one next year.
posted by
Denny on February 2, 2007 12:54 PM
Damn make me weak in the knees...
posted by
Yabu on February 2, 2007 05:39 PM
Does this mean that I have to get off my lazy butt and throw a site together?
posted by
zonker on February 2, 2007 06:19 PM
Key, I understand what you're going through. I'm finding it harder and harder to blog and do a full time university course load at the same time. Good luck with the state exam, I'm sure you'll do great!
I hope someone takes on the project - I love seeing all the pics & hearing all the stories from the meets.
Take care!
posted by
Lisa W. on February 2, 2007 10:06 PM
Keep writing you good looking thang.
posted by
Catfish on February 4, 2007 12:23 PM
I will, Catfish. Thanks for the support!
posted by
zonker on February 5, 2007 12:29 AM
A natural mistake Zonker, you good looking thing you.
Damn, I don't believe I just said that. Time to watch a man show or something.
If Zonker doesn't want to do anything with it, I would at least be willing to host it on the same server that my blog is on and put together a generic template. Since the wife decided to move off of my server and on to blogspot (cause it's something SHE did) I have the space anyway. Actually I think it's because the URL was her name and she wasn't interested in anyone from the board of education finding interesting shit on her site.
posted by
Richard on February 6, 2007 09:40 PM
Somebody take that site before you guys form a fugging daisy chain, or something. Jesus.
posted by
Velociman on February 6, 2007 09:53 PM
posted by
Richard on March 6, 2007 05:42 PM
You rang Richard?
I'm late as hadeez on this one, and that's a damned shame if you're me, but a pleasant surprise if you're not. Imagine the t-shirts sales slices for "blown eyed" and "Jawja"... Got to be a Jackson in there somewhere, I'm just sayin', somebody could, if they wanted to, twist a bit(a small bit) from such an idea.
I never could color well between the lines, so makin' it purty ain't somemthing I'd be good at. I hired a gun for that. Well, I hired a phin, but he shot straight and had the patience of a saint.
There's enough folks 'round that probably could make it work. What would you want on it? Some kind of Scheduling function to coordinate the "best" date based on what dates most of the "I wanna go's" could show, or just a vote for a date deal? Hotel/accomadations? Same deal? vote or ask for discount based on where the most folk wanted to stay? Hotel bookin' interfaces with the site, or at least quick links to where folks might stay for a given meet?
Flight schedules into/out of the closest airport(s)?
It's a cool idea, and there's even more things that could be done with the idea "thinker"... think on it some more.
There could be the obligatory photo's from the meets, maybe some sort of system in place where people at the meet "approve/disapprove" of their photo's being shown so nobody gets outed accidentally.
Trackbacks to a forum for folks that attended the meet to talk a little smack, tell lies, make rumors, prepare wedding plans, etc...
"Meet rolls"... not as bad as it sounds. Blog rolling software for a given meet so folks could collect those planning to attend and then those that did afterward in a handy script for your site after or before the fact... just so's you could keep up with the peeps.
Good idea Key.
posted by
RedNeck on March 12, 2007 10:38 PM
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