Observations by Key Monroe~~Home of Right Opinions, Cynical Viewpoints, and TMI in Hefty Doses
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February 06, 2005

When Worlds Collide

When I was six, I took a pencil from my church. I meant to return it, but always forgot, so there it sat in my pencil box, taunting me, inflicting a guilt trip... for years. I always wondered what my mother would think if she only knew she'd raised a thief.

Years later, when I was eleven, a boy in my class asked me if I had any interest in his friend (who'd put him up to asking that question). "No." I said. He asked again the next day and the next, until finally I turned up the tone, "No, I do not, and you tell him that!" Next day on the bus, the friend, emboldened by false reports, asked me to "go" with him. "I'd rather die!" I exclaimed. Oh, the guilt was much stronger than pencil-thief-guilt this time. Lasted years. I even cringed when I ran into him after we graduated.

I could go on, as obviously the examples worsen with the years, as does the guilt, but I'll spare you and cut to the chase.

My worlds are colliding. Real world and blogworld do not seem to be getting along these days. And when I find myself saying, "Not now honey, mommy's writing," I have a healthy dose of guilt, particularly after the tenth time or so. I've always carved away time on a daily basis for homework and bedtime and necessities, but not nearly enough for play.

So lately we've been playing a lot of Mall Madness or just watching Drake and Josh reruns together, and tonight - last night to those of you who sleep - she had a friend over and we took off for the Mall of Georgia, so that she could use all of the Build-A-Bear bucks that she had accumulated over Christmas.

This is not a goodbye to blogworld, but it has been a while since I stepped back from the blog to have a look at life.

Not to worry, I accepted a mission, and I shall fulfill. I will be back on Friday to post Chaper 2.

Have a good week, friends.

posted by Key on 04:03 AM | Comments (16)

Well, Key, I'll miss you, but family must come first. I don't blame you.

Yep, there are a few of us that sometimes meet the dawn with a keyboard. Not often, but sometimes.

Be well, my lovely friend.

Posted by: Wayne at February 6, 2005 04:18 AM

Now you know why I don't want a woman in my life. I can do without the guilt.

Posted by: Acidman at February 6, 2005 06:02 AM

Hey, enjoy the family; they don't stay little long!

Posted by: Michele at February 6, 2005 07:08 AM

Priorities, Sister. I hear you.

; )

Posted by: Christina at February 6, 2005 10:13 AM

Since it's not goodbye....we'll just look forward to the incredible posts we WILL get to see!!!

**good decision - somethings just can't be missed**

Posted by: Tammi at February 6, 2005 11:52 AM

Right, Michele. I can't imagine blogging with small children in the house, plus a high stress job. Glad blogging didn't come into being until after I retired! Good decision, Key.

Posted by: Indigo at February 6, 2005 03:33 PM

Key - Do what you have to do. Listen to your heart, and then your head, in that order, when it comes to the family. I will certainly miss you, but then so would your family if you didn't do this. They are much more important than I. May all your guilt turn to serenity. ....catch ya when ya get back.

Posted by: Vulgorilla at February 6, 2005 10:13 PM

I'd rather have one "Cat Puke Chronicles" a year based on real life than a daily dose of meaningless blather (also based on real life). Still, I enjoy even your meaningless blather. Come back.

Posted by: Jesse Brown at February 7, 2005 06:21 AM

Somehow, I know what you mean.

Posted by: Sam at February 7, 2005 03:05 PM

We'll catch ya on the flip side! Go take care of yourself and your family! They're what's important in the scheme of things... I'll check in every now and again just to see...

Posted by: WarWagon at February 7, 2005 03:35 PM

Yeah, what Christina said: priorities. Focus on Chapter Two this week and start ignoring your family after Friday.


Posted by: zonker at February 7, 2005 11:11 PM

Thanks guys. I'm still online and lurking for a few every night (after kiddie bedtime). After all, I am supposed to be writing a little something this week if I'm not mistaken. ; )

Posted by: Key at February 7, 2005 11:12 PM

Oh you cruel cruel woman! ;) I was utterly crushed by a girl like you in sixth grade. Same story--evil "friends", false reports, a bit too much sadism in telling me to buzz off...

Argh! The memory still pains me...

Posted by: Desert Cat at February 8, 2005 12:40 AM

Desert Cat, I HOPE that wasn't you... If so, I sincerely apologize. ; )

Posted by: Key at February 8, 2005 12:10 PM

All these comments, and nobody called you out for the pencil thief you truly are at heart.
You're still my huckleberry. Whatever that means.

Posted by: Velociman at February 8, 2005 11:12 PM

I hope this doesn't sound narcissistic, but it can be *quite* entertaining searching one's online name in Google.

It's amazing how many blog threads I've dropped over the months where I missed the last few (late) posts.

No, I'm pretty sure it wasn't me, unless you were living in Minnesota in 1975.

Posted by: Desert Cat at July 19, 2005 03:17 AM
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