Observations by Key Monroe~~Home of Right Opinions, Cynical Viewpoints, and TMI in Hefty Doses
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July 29, 2005

What Next?

Yesterday I was feeling stale and under-stimulated. So, I decided to do what I always do when faced with such boredom: Go over to Jack's and see if I can't start some trouble.

So I found this post, and I know you ADHD turkeys aren't going to read it, so allow me to provide you with his summary paragraph:

If anyone misses my point, here it is in plain words: Those who burn the flag of the United States have a better understanding of the significance of that flag than the yahoos who wear the flag as a cape, being in their own feeble minds "patriotic" when an American wins an athletic competition.

I tried to cause trouble, even left a comment, then he left one, then I took it offline:

I don't think either party mentioned put near as much thought into their action as you have. Most people are idiots with no freaking clue how to express honor, patriotism, frustration, discontent, or any other emotion for that matter.

The wearer and the burner alike. They're like friggin three year olds. Throwing the toy he hates, perhaps as it may have a negative association such as nap time, and drooling all over the toy he adores, perhaps because it reminds him of his mother.

It is natural to both resist responsibility and support history. You and I may not like the slobber deposit all over the things that we appreciate, but we aren't three, and we aren't idiots.

I think the hippy freak and the redneck bastard are both idiots. Neither thinks outside the box, both are impressionable to a fault, and either are fickle enough to turn on a dime.

So, what does my tried and true debating adversary go and do? Oh, I'll tell ya... He agrees with me! What?

"In a rarity we should treasure, I agree with you completely, both in your original comment, and in what you wrote below," says he.

I'm thrown askew. Off balance. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Uneasy.

Perhaps a redneck bastard or a hippy freak will leave a hateful comment and restore balance to my bleak, under-stimulated existence.

posted by Key on 06:08 PM | Comments (14) | TrackBack (1)
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I don't think I can say the same in my discussions with the respected gentleman.

; )

Posted by: Christina at July 29, 2005 07:03 PM

The idea of a Constitutional Amendment to outlaw flag-burning is despicable. It is freedom of expression, and it's just a damned piece of fabric. You can't burn the concept, the idea behind it. Having said that, it should be defensible to beat the freaking tar out of anyone you find doing it. That behavior should fall under the legal concept of "fighting words". Burn it. No problem. Now watch me beat your ass, fuckweed.

Posted by: Velociman at July 29, 2005 10:14 PM

What V-man said!

Posted by: Dash at July 29, 2005 11:52 PM

Um... the nice thing about freedom of speech is generally that angry folks on the other side don't beat you to a pulp afterwards.

The proper response to a flag-burner is to ignore them utterly. They want you to beat them to a pulp, so they can feel oppressed (trust me on this--you get to know the morons on your own side quite well). These guys are motivated by a deep desire for self-importance--they're out to prove that they're not just losers living in their parents' basements, they're fighters against oppression! Ignore them, and they'll be back in the basement in no time.

Posted by: The Polite Liberal at July 30, 2005 10:33 PM

I see the value in that, but, while I would never beat anyone to a bloody pulp over the making of a political statement, I do tend to identify more with Velociman's sentiment.

Sure, idiots should have the right to burn a flag. Meanwhile, I'll hold dear the right to call them braless tit-suckling handicaps on progression... (among other things).

Sure, irresponsible, self-absorbed idiots should have the right to first trimester abortion, but I have the right to tell them exactly what I think of their action.

Sure, bloggers can boast their right to free speech, saying whatever the hell they want on their pages, but like my gurl Kel says, I ain't gotta LIKE 'em when they get done spewing their nonsense.

Having said all of that, I do not attack you, my dear, dear Polite Liberal. You do, in fact, set a fine example for your team.

As does Jack. (His team being the fence-sitters... I mean moderates. :D)

Posted by: Key at July 30, 2005 10:52 PM

I'm going to eventually bring Jack over to the Dark Side. It's sweet here, dude. All the fine women are here. They want men who don't dither. You don't dither, do you, Jack? I didn't think so.

Burn the flag, trustafarians. I will cop to your legality in court. I will also beat your fucking ass if I catch you doing it. Don't dis me, or my country. I don't ask much. Just this one thing.

Posted by: Velociman at July 30, 2005 11:26 PM

Jack is an ass. I'll leave it at that.

Posted by: Acidman at August 1, 2005 08:31 PM

That's the funniest fucking comment I've seen during my entire four-month lurkage.

Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, say hello to pot...

Posted by: Queenie at August 2, 2005 07:40 PM

Queenie, gurrl... Where the helluvu been? Thanks for the comment. Of course, perhaps there was a subconscious anticipation.

(See last paragraph of post.)

Posted by: Key at August 3, 2005 12:20 AM

Is Queenie calling me an ass, or did I miss something?

Posted by: Jack at August 3, 2005 02:32 AM

Heh, I see where you're coming from, but I don't think she meant it THAT way...

Posted by: Key at August 3, 2005 11:11 AM

Jack - I was not calling you an ass. I was trying to highlight the hilarious irony of a previous commenter's statement ABOUT you being an ass, that's all.

Perhaps I should have said, "takes one to know one"? No, that doesn't work either. But I think you see my point...

Posted by: Queenie at August 3, 2005 02:47 PM

It might interest you to know that Jack's flag burning post was cross-posted at Pennywit (http://www.pennywit.com/drupal/index.php) by invitation, please note. Predictably, the response there was more vibrant than at Jack's site.

Posted by: Bat One at August 3, 2005 09:45 PM

Jack's not an ass, he's a fucking crybaby.

Posted by: gordon the magnificent at August 13, 2005 12:06 PM
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